For new users: $15/month
50% off
/ month
2,000 message credits/month
3 AI Apps
5 knowledge sources
Support OpenAI GPT-4
Share Apps to the public
API Access
Web widget
Third-party integration
Email & Slack Support
99% SLA Support
Frequently Asked Questions
When you sign up, you'll receive message credits and AI App allowance for the trial period.
A bot containing knowledge base is able to answer questions based on your private knowledge. Combining with our prompt engineering feature, this effectively addresses customized requirements for companies.
A response from GPT-3.5-turbo costs 1 credit, while GPT-4 costs 20 credits.
You can distribute your AI app to target users using shareable links, APIs, or out-of-box integrations that connect with SaaS such as WhatsApp, Slack, Discord, etc.
At the beginning of each billing period, message points will be refreshed.
You can upload multiple files to the same AI application/chatbot.
For new users: $19/month
50% off
/ month
1,000 events/month
10 connections
Access all sources
Support AI connections
Email & Slack Support
99% SLA Support